Academy for Leadership Abilities® (ALA)

This program focuses on leadership skills and personal growth strategies to make the lives of youth, adults, and the community in which they live better. ALA partners with Perry County Job and Family Services (JFS) to facilitate sessions in all four Perry County School Districts and specialized JFS programs. Through these sessions, participants are encouraged to learn how to think, not what to think. The primary goal of ALA is to help participants build natural relationships and promote the integration of ALL people, including those with developmental disabilities into their community.

Visit ALA on Facebook

Pioneering Possibilities® (PP)

Pioneering Possibilities® (PP) is a community leadership opportunity offered to ALL people who live or work in Perry County who are ages 18 or older.

The vision of PP is to provide community members and agencies the opportunity to unlock leadership in Perry County. If you are seeking ways to enrich your environment or to partner on volunteer service projects, Pioneering Possibilities is the ideal opportunity for you.

  • Weekly group meetings
  • Monthly service projects

Our fundamental belief is to facilitate sessions for participants to learn HOW to think, not WHAT to think, by developing skills in decision-making, evaluating ethical principles, setting goals, and through service projects.

Pioneering Possibilities® provides leadership opportunities for ALL people within the community to have a stronger voice in decision-making processes that promote healthy relationships through the development of monthly service projects and other volunteer opportunities. Pioneering Possibilities® is an investment in your life. This opportunity is changing the culture and the people of our community. What is holding you back from growing with this opportunity?

For more information about Pioneering Possibilities, please contact Community Supports Coordinator, Whitney Beverlin at 740-684-0417 or by email at

Summer Camp

The Perry County Board of DD provides a summer camp for school-aged children.  The camp is typically held 4 days per week in June and July, with 2 days being scheduled for ages 6-13, and 2 days for teens 14 and up.  The board provides transportation to and from camp, meals, special outings, and  professionally trained staff who make the experience fun, safe and enjoyable for all.  The school aged service coordinator sends out applications for camp to all school-aged families when they become available in early spring.

For more information about Summer Camp, please contact Community Supports Supervisor, Jenna Ward at 740-684-2209 or by email at

Youth Summer Camp Enrollment and Permission Form

Authorization to Administer Medications and Current Medication Listing

Behavioral Supports

The Perry County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services (PCBDD) provides Behavioral Support Services to children and adults.

Services available for children and adults include some of the following but not limited to;

  • Conduct functional assessments to determine persons’ behavioral support needs
  • Analyze data on problematic behaviors
  • Develop personalized behavioral interventions
  • Train team members on behavioral prevention, intervention and crisis management approaches

The Behavioral Support Specialists (BSS), in cooperation with the person supported, their Service and Support Administrator (SSA), and other team members, completes an assessment and develops strategies for the Individual Service Plan (ISP).

Plans which include restrictive measures are approved by the Rights Committee (RC) and are reviewed every 90 days.

The Behavioral Support Specialists (BSS) are available to work with families or residential staff to develop strategies to use at home or in the community. The Behavioral Support Specialist’s (BSS)  are also available to assist with development of strategies for eligible children who attend school in their local school district.

Behavioral Supports Policy

Respite Supports

Respite is defined as a short period of rest or relief from something difficult. Respite services are meant to give the caregiver a break to go to the store or church, read a book, paint the hall, or allow quality time with other members of the family. The service was developed to provide in-home support, give caregivers the tools they need to prevent out of home placement and offer additional supports.


  • Is made up of a dedicated and experienced team of professionals who are focused on helping your family prevent out of home placement and offer additional support.
  • Works closely with your existing team and provides a respite resource for your family.  We are not in place to replace the support and services you currently receive we are in place to provide additional support.
  • Staff is trained in trauma-informed services and the development of positive cultures.
  • Staff will ensure that our services are child and family-centered designed specifically for your family.

For more information about respite, contact your Service and Support Administrator.

For more information about Community Supports, please contact Shelly Lackey.