Help Me Grow Home Visiting

The Perry County Board of DD serves as the administrative agent for the Ohio Department of Children and Youth Home Visiting Program.  The program provides home visits to expectant moms and new families in order to promote a healthy pregnancy, share tips on keeping children safe and developmentally on track, and to help families find the resources they may need.  The Home Visitor uses an evidence based curriculum to provide instruction at each home visit.  The program is affiliated with the Parents as Teachers (PAT) model of service delivery.  Help Me Grow Home Visitors are trained to provide caring support and reliable information that makes a difference to the lives of families.

Visit Help Me Grow on Facebook

Early Intervention (EI)

Serves children 0-3 who have a developmental delay or a medical diagnosis likely to result in delay.  The EI team consists of two service coordinators, a developmental specialist, and occupational, physical and speech therapists.  The team also has an Early Childhood Mental Health provider, a hearing specialist, and of course the family. All team members work together to help reach outcomes the family desire.  Early Intervention supports learning and development, child social and emotional well-being, and helps families through a coaching model within the context of daily routines and activities.

EI Overview (link to PDF document)

Services for Preschool Aged Children

The Perry County Board of DD provides services to children 3-6 through the support of an early childhood specialist. These services are primarily home based and often times supplement the work of preschool special education, or may stand alone for those children not enrolled in preschool. Through discovery with families, the specialist learns of the unique strengths and needs of the child, and helps the family build on those strengths or provides resources for assessed needs.

School-age Overview (link to PDF document)

The P.L.A.Y. Project®

The PLAY Project is a parent implemented, intensive early intervention program for young children with autism. A certified PLAY Project Consultant partners with families to build trust, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships through coaching and modeling to promote development and engagement. PLAY Project services are focused on children 18 months to 6 years of age.

The P.L.A.Y. Project® Brochure  (link to PDF document)

Services for School-Aged Children

The Perry County Board of DD provides service coordination to families enrolled with school-aged children.  The role of the service coordinator is to help connect families with needed resources and supports as requested.  The service coordinator is available to attend IEP meetings with families, make application for family selected supports, and serves as a resource for families as they navigate various systems for services for their children.

School-age Overview  (link to PDF document)

For more information about the Children’s Program, please contact Children’s Program Director, Ashley Reed at 740-605-8412 or by email at