The Perry County Board of Developmental Disabilities (PCBDD) will host the Together “WE” Can Dinner & Awards on Thursday, November 7, 2024. This biennial event was established to recognize the people, businesses, and organizations who promote the concept of a Community Without Barriers. On the night of the event, awards are presented in the five categories described below.

Nominations can be submitted through July 19, 2024, using this link. 

To view award winners from previous TWC events click the link TWC Award Overview 2024


The Helen Hoover Klingler Commitment Award was established in honor of the late Helen Hoover Klingler who dedicated many years of service to what was then known as the “MR/DD” field. With the support of other parents, Helen established the Happy Hour School. The first class of Happy Hour School was held in September 1960. There were 12 students and one teacher located in the Junction City Elementary School building. The Perry County Council, established in the summer of 1960, raised the funds for this class by solicitations, donations, and special projects. Part of the transportation was furnished by parents, supplies were donated, and the facility was available free of charge. Candidates nominated for this award should exhibit similar qualities as the late Helen Hoover Klingler: knowledge, principles, lifelong advocate, leadership, commitment, and dedication to the DD program and community.
Criteria Details:
  • The nominee carries out their responsibilities professionally and collaboratively, providing excellent service to all those with whom they work and provide supports to.
  • The nominee serves as chair of a committee or affiliate organization (past/present).
  • The nominee actively participates in PCBDD’s agency, community program(s), as a mentor, volunteer, and/or leader.
  • The nominee is dedicated, mindful and approaches life with a positive attitude.
  • The nominee takes initiative in their efforts and often going above and beyond what is required.

2013 award winner: Kathleen Cannon
2014 award winner: Sarah Winters
2017 award winner: Kay Stickdorn
2019 award winner: Dan Sech-Kar
2022 award winner: Ken Yuchasz –


The Debbie King Character Award is given to a person to recognize the recipient’s contribution as a self-advocate in Perry County. The award honors Debbie King in remembrance of her courage as a self-advocate and someone who was determined to support and defend people with disabilities. Debbie participated in many activities within PCBDD and was the driving force behind the start of PCBDDs advocacy group. Candidates nominated for this award shall demonstrate similar character traits and qualities of the late Debbie King such as: dedication and integrity, being consistent, committed, and a caring, determined promoter of leadership in our community.
Criteria Details:
  • Tell us why this person should win an award for being a determined self-advocate.
  • How has this person made a significant contribution to a community leadership group?
  • What type of self-advocacy/leadership related groups has this person been involved with?
  • Do you feel this person has reached a new level of independence through their involvement with PCBDD and other related groups?

2013 award winner: Morgan Deavers
2014 award winner: Danny Miller
2017 award winner: Cassandra Bolyard
2019 award winner: Robby Reed
2022 award winner: Doane Livingstone


The Community Collaboration Award is given to a business or community organization that exemplifies the actions set forth in the PCBDD mission “making connections to promote abilities and enrich lives”. Businesses and/or community organizations nominated for this award partner with PCBDD through collaboration and resourceful efforts to better the lives of people with disabilities in Perry County.
Criteria Details:
  • The nominee should be a current or former collaborating business or community organization of the PCBDD.
  • The business or community organization must service the residents of Perry County.
  • List any activities, accomplishments, and contributions made by the nominee that demonstrate the criteria in the award description.
  • Any other information you want to share about how the nominee connects to the PCBDD mission of “making connections to promote abilities and enrich lives”.

2013 award winner: Perry County Health Department
2014 award winner: Perry County Tribune
2017 award winner: Allwell Behavioral Health Services
2019 award winner: Hopewell Health Centers Early Childhood Programs
2022 award winner: Justin Gall, CEO, Mount Aloysius Corp. 


The PCBDD ‘Inspire by Example’ Outstanding Volunteer Award is designed to recognize a person or family who has gone above and beyond to help promote awareness or provide services and supports to children or adults with developmental disabilities. Candidates nominated for this award should have dedicated time and support to helping volunteer and serve as a champion for people with disabilities by demonstrating a commitment to service our agency and the community.
 Criteria Details:
  • List a brief history of service and/or volunteer activities.
  • Include # or hours and frequency of service, as well as what motivates them.
  • Describe nominee’s outstanding volunteer service(s). Explain how the nominee accomplished their desired results.
  • Describe the need for the nominee’s service.
  • Describe the difference made by the nominee’s service and the impact to their agency or community and people with disabilities.

2013 award winner: Dean and Teresa Stevenson
2014 award winner: Judge Cooperrider
2017 award winner: Steve and Belinda Lee
2019 award winner: Dave Horn, Dave’s Feed & Seed
2022 award winner: Scott Pfettscher, Somerset Church of Christ –


The Visionary Leadership Award was established and was initiated as a collaborative leadership award. The purpose of this award is to recognize extraordinary leadership within our local communities. Candidates nominated for this award shall demonstrate the highest level of integrity and dedication to leadership. This recipient of this award adds value and enriches the lives of people by instilling passion in those around them to make our schools, our workforce, and our communities better.
Criteria Details:
  • Share how the nominee collaborates well with other people, peers, and organizations.
  • The nominee is reflective on experiences to support leadership efforts for the present and future.
  • Explain how this person/organization brings innovative ideas forward and to fruition.
  • How is this person/organization regarded as demonstrating high levels of integrity and ethical behavior?
  • Describe how the nominee moves change forward and demonstrates effective communication in leadership.

2017 award winner: ALA Leadership Award Greg Holbert
2019 award winner: Cheryl Boley, Perry County Job and Family Services
2022 award winner: Casey Coffey, New Lexington City Schools


Below is a link to the video from the night of the event in 2022:

2022 Together WE Can Video